Swimmers Profile No 24 Nick Adams

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We 1st met Nick in Dover in 2001 when he was attempting his triple crossing . Unfortunately for Nick he did not complete this swim but has some huge swims under his belt .

1: Name- Nick Adams

2: Age- 32

3: Resides- London, UK

4:Swimming Highlights- The English Channel

5:Biggest influence and coach – Freda Streeter

6:Swimming Idol- Alby Bardoel, if not acceptable, Captain Webb

7: Pool or Ocean- Have to do both, but deffinitely prefer ocean any day

8:How many kms a week - 30km - 40km

9:Longest swim and how many hours in the water- 2-way English Channel,
27 hours 28 mins

10:Favorite place you have swam- Sadly Dover Harbour, it holds a special place in my heart!

11:Coldest place you have swam and temp- Serpentine Lake in Hyde Park, London. 0C

12:Roughest swim eg. Wave height and wind speed- English Channel, force 6-7

13:Swimming goals- Summer 2009: English Channel solo, Catalina Channel, Alcatraz

14:What or who motivates you- The love for being out in the ocean, safely swimming around, and the hard work in the pool is needed for this. I love helping swimmers new to the sport and their boundless enthusiasm spurs me on.

15:How much is Physical% 25% Mental% 75%

16:Favorite saying- Train hard, fight easy. or Pain is temporary,
success is permanent

17:Biggest fear swimming eg..cold jellyfish,sharks etc.. - Failure!

18:Swimming close calls- Swimming in Brighton, UK, around the pier in January with someone far slower than me. Water 6C and was breaststroking slowly for 40 mins before I got into a LOT of trouble, with no sign of resuce and half a mile to shore!! Was taking water on board as had lost control of mouth muscles! Sprinted and made it in, but only just. I was very unwell after!

19:Tips for other swimmers – Listen to the advice from those in the know, not any random idiot that has an opinion!

20:What would you eat and drink during a swim- Maxim, maxim and then more maxim!

21Worst place you have swam- Very oluted river in Serbia in a race.
Got quite ill after!

22:Worst injuries- Nothing bad really

23:Favorite food,drink,music ,movie and holiday destination- Food:
pasta, Drink: diet coke, Music: Something upbeat, Movie: Not sure, tough question, Holiday: Anywhere that I can SCUBA dive and swim

24:What do you think of when you are in the water for hours- Not much.
I put meals together. Relive conversations with friends. Sing.

25:Where is one place you haven’t or would like to swim- Vanuatuu

26:3 people you would invite to dinner- Alby Bardoel. Jon and Ted Erricson, Philip Rush, Tanya Streeter (freediver)

27:Cold water tips- Practice practice practice. The pain lessens.

28:Toughest competitor- Alby Bardoel (obviously)

29:Diet and how much is weight a factor on long distance swims- Went for a 3-way in 2001, and went from 81 kg to 120kg!! Was sponsored by MacDonalds!

30:Pet hate- People that don't take responsibility for their own failings!

31:Biggest thrill- Finishing a big swim and knowing you can get out.

32:Favorite sport besides swimming- SCUBA diving and squash

33:Who would you like to sit next to on a plane- Someone that is NOT fat, old, incontinent or determined to talk the whole way!

34:Car you drive- Yes, and my lovely Ducati 1098 motorbike.

35:Next swimming challenge- Summer 2009: English Channel solo, Catalina Channel, Alcatraz

36:Occupation- Teacher

37:D.O.B. - 17 Sept 1976

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Alby :)

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