Swimmers Profile No 27 Craig Chapman

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Our next guest contacted Black Ice via a mutual friend in Queensland and has booked in for his Channel attempt in 2011.

Craig will come down to Melbourne and join the Black Ice team for our annual 8 hour Anzac day English Channel swim. Craig has a very impressive CV but for the cold water experience we will put him through on Anzac day next year. Hopefully Craig succeeds in his attempt on the English Channel and joins our long list of successful solo swimmers. Black Ice swimming club has over 10 successful English Channel solo swimmers with another 3 booked in for next year and 1 for the folliowing year.

1: Name: Craig Chapman

2: Age: 45

3: Resides: 66 Sunset Road, Kenmore, QLD, 4069

4:Swimming Highlights: World Surf Lifesaving Titles Gold Medal, Manly Gold Endurance Ironman 42km in 4 hrs 15 mins

5:Biggest influence and coach: Dennis Cotterall

6:Swimming Idol - Michael Phelps

7: Pool or Ocean - Pool & Ocean

8: How many kms a week – 12km & 8km

9: Longest swim and how many hours in the water – Burleigh to Surfers Paradise 10km 2 hrs 20 mins, 100 x 100m on 1 min 30 secs

10: Favorite place you have swam – Gold Coast

11: Coldest place you have swam and temp - Adelaide 14

12: Roughest swim - Burleigh to Surfers Paradise

13:Swimming goals - Swim the English Channel

14:What or who motivates you – Setting goals & achieving them

15:How much is Physical/Mental - 20% physical & 80% mental

16:Favorite saying: Nothing ventured nothing gained

17:Biggest fear swimming - Sharks

18:Swimming close calls - Hit by an outboard motor on the head

19:Tips for other swimmers - Never give up

20:What would you eat and drink during a swim – Mainly drink Gatorade/Powerade

21:Worst place you have swam - Germany

22:Worst injuries - ruptured appendix – 2 hernia’s

23:Favorite food,drink,music ,movie and holiday destination

Food: Fish

Drink: Red Wine

Music: Foo Fighters

Movie: Bourne Indentity/Supremacy/Ultimatum

Holiday destination: Maldives

24: What do you think of when you are in the water for hours - Life

25: Where is one place you haven’t or would like to swim- English Channel

26: Three people you would invite to dinner - Michael Phelps, Dave Grohl, Warren Buffet

27:Cold water tips- Don’t think about it

28:Toughest competitor - Trevor Hendy

29: How much is weight a factor on long distance swims - Important

30: Pet hate - Lights being left on

31: Biggest thrill -. Birth of children

32: Favorite sport besides swimming - Surfing

33:Who would you like to sit next to on a plane – Elle McPherson

34: Car you drive – VW Golf

35: Next swimming challenge – Anzac Day Port Phillip Bay 8 hours

36: Occupation - Accountant

37: D.O.B. – 9/6/64

38: Favorite Pet - Dog

39: Reasons for attempting the Channel – Raise money for charity & personal challenge

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