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Our next guest on swimmers profile is my good friend Harry who has progressed a long way since joining the Black Ice group. Harry also was the one that named our swimming club Black Ice and has been assistant to my assistant Terry (mini me) O'Brien in the running of our club .
1: Name: Harry Commins
2: Age: 48
3: Resides: Sandringham Victoria
4: Swimming Highlights: Becoming an iceberger
5: Biggest influence and coach: ALBY
6: Swimming Idol: I admire channel swimmers
7: Pool or Ocean - Ocean
8: How many kms a week - Six
9: Longest swim and how many hours in the water –The bloody big swim in 2010 11.2km against the tide . 3 hours 46 mins. Tough day in the office
10: Favorite place you have swam – Cottesloe WA
11: Coldest place you have swam and temp – Brighton Bars 7 degrees Icy
12: Roughest swim – the bloody big swim 2010. thanks leon cox
13: Swimming goals – to swim at least 3 time a week and compete in several events per year
14: What or who motivates you – keeping fit is my motivation for swimming
15: How much is Physical/Mental -
16: Favorite saying: Death to wetsuits
17: Biggest fear swimming – I am not overly keen on swimming in the dark.
18: Swimming close calls – a couple of times i have been with the group and 1 swimmer has gone missing and not landed on the beach with us. There is normal 10 minutes of searching before we find them in another spot. The lesson to be learn is to listen to the leader!!!!
19: Tips for other swimmers – Cold water swimming gives you a great feeling of wellbeing
20: What would you eat and drink during a swim – bananas and maxium
21: Worst place you have swam – In the Bay after a storm has washed all the rubbish in there
22: Worst injuries – none to speak of
23: Favorite food,drink,music ,movie and holiday destination -
Food: sea food
Drink: shiraz
Music: rock
Movie: comedy
Holiday destination: somewhere warmer than melbourne
24: What do you think of when you are in the water for hours – how good is this
25: Where is one place you haven’t or would like to swim - the English Channel
26: Three people you would invite to dinner – john howard PM, Gina Rinehart, Jen Hawkins and Gino
27: Cold water tips - get straight in and don’t think its cold. Let your body cold down for 4 or 5 minutes . then swim
28: Toughest competitor – Terry Screens OBrien
29: How much is weight a factor on long distance swims – I only swim medium distance so its not an issue.
30: Pet hate – Carlton supports and sometimes Collingwood supporters
31: Biggest thrill – cycling in france during the tour
32: Favorite sport besides swimming – Cycling.
33: Who would you like to sit next to on a plane – the pilot
34: Car you drive – is this a serious question? Red , Fast , and totally awesome and impractical my nick name is the stig
35: Next swimming challenge – Winter pier to pub in August followed by Rotto in Feb
36: Occupation - Manager
37: D.O.B. - 28-12-62
38: Favorite Pet – minky whales
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