Today Black Ice is lucky enough to have Alison Streeter MBE as our
1st guest on Swimmers Profile .

Alison is the Queen of the Channel with 43 solo crossings including a triple
1: Name: Alison Streeter MBE.
2: Age: 43
3: Resides: Surrey , UK.
4:Swimming Highlights:
- Three way Channel swim, Aug 1990 34 hours 40 mins.
- 34 one way swims.
- Three doubles .
- World Records ......North Channel, Scotland to Ireland and Ireland to Scotland , Tidal Thames , Richmond to Gravesend and vice versa , Round the Isle of Wight , Round Jersey.
5: Biggest influence and coach: Mum !
6:Swimming Idol: Dawn Fraser
7: Pool or Ocean?:Ocean all the time !
8: How many kms a week? Nowadays very little .. used to do 20 km average
9: Longest swim and how many hours in the water: Three way Channel ....34 hours 40 mins
10: Favorite place you have swum: English Channel !!! hahaha
11: Coldest place you have swam and temp: North Channel 58 F .. although did do 2 mins in the Arctic circle once amongst ice bergs !
12:Roughest swim eg. Wave height and wind speed: 3m waves 30 knots of wind unsuccessful channel swim in 1995.
13:Swimming goals: To get as many people across the channel as I can !
14: What or who motivates you? Seeing people grow from their experiences.
15: How much is Physical? 10%
16: How much is Mental? 90%
17: Favorite saying: When the going gets tough the sprinters get out...
18: Biggest fear swimming eg..cold jellyfish,sharks etc: None
19:Swimming close calls: Ferry changing course at the last minute ... stung unconcious by jellyfish in the north channel. (6 hours continuous stings)
20: Tips for other swimmers: You can always do more than you think you can.
21: What would you eat and drink during a swim? DRINK MAXIM
22: Worst place you have swam? North Channel
23: Worst injuries: Foot sliced open on a propeller.
24: Favorite food: Italian pasta, tomato and garlic sauces
___Drink: Drink Rooibos Tea
___Music: Supertramp and ELO
___Movie: Love Actually
___Holiday destination: OZ !!
25: What do you think of when you are in the water for hours? The next armstroke.
26: Where is one place you haven’t or would like to swim? Gibralter or Cook Straits.
27: Fifty crossings yes or no? Not at the moment ....
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