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Colorado's first channel swimmer who now gives her time to coaching other potential channel swimmers. Its amazing that she found time to swim 80 kms a week while working and raising three young boys .
1: Name- Voni Oerman
2: Age- 47
3: Resides- Denver, Colorado, USA
4:Swimming Highlights- Manhattan Marathon 2001---3rd place overall
English Channel Crossing 2002
HIGHIGHT---2007 Coaching the 12 year olds for a successful English Channel Relay which set the world record for the youngest relay team.
5:Biggest influence and coach – Age group swim coaches, Tom Causey and Jeff Pease
6:Swimming Idol- Tracy Caukins
7: Pool or Ocean- Both
8:How many kms a week- Lazy these days---swimming 3 times a week about 15K total with a Masters swim group. Weekly distance when preparing for the Channel climbed to 80K a week for five consecutive weeks.
9:Longest swim and how many hours in the water- The 10:59 English Channel Crossing, hard to calculate distance.
10:Favorite place you have swam- Off the coast of California growing up in San Diego
11:Coldest place you have swam and temp- 2007 Alcatraz swim in San Francisco Bay at 55 degrees Fahrenheit with a group of 18 kids.
12:Roughest swim eg. Wave height and wind speed- 8 hour preparation swim with Tim Lawrence in the Rocky mountains. No real waves or current just wind and chop with overcast skies. That day our kayaker got hypothermia.
13:Swimming goals- To train some Colorado kids to conquer the English Channel.
14:What or who motivates you- Throughout my life I’ve had different goals and people that motivated me and now I think my 12 year old son, Wyatt, is my motivator.
15:How much is Physical% 40 Mental% 60
16:Favorite saying- “The hay’s in the barn” meaning the training is done and enjoy the day swimming.
17:Biggest fear swimming eg..cold jellyfish,sharks etc.. Wildlife---no exactly sharks, but other creatures that may just be in the water.
18:Swimming close calls- I was a companion swimmer for a tri-athlete in an open water event and after the 10K, I located her and accompanied her to finish her 10K. A large sea lion appeared within 10 yards of us, but didn’t touch us. My friend went into severe hypothermia following the race and was assisted by lifeguards and stuck under a warm shower for an hour or so.
19:Tips for other swimmers – Keep calm and be patient. Open water events require the swimmers to be flexible concerning conditions.
20:What would you eat and drink during a swim- A combination of drinks; Maxim cut with warm water, Ensure, a nutrition drink (to settle the stomach if I wanted a change), Gatorade and water.
21Worst place you have swam- Vega Lake, Colorado, a cow pasture in the Rocky Mountains.
22:Worst injuries- During the Manhattan Marathon---my left forearm became completely overworked and became swollen and ached for about two weeks following the swim.
23:Favorite food,drink,music ,movie and holiday destination- Smoked Salmon on Alfredo Pasta followed by a decadent chocolate dessert.
24:What do you think of when you are in the water for hours- I have an ongoing conversation with myself usually repeating the same thing over and over.
25:Where is one place you haven’t or would like to swim- I would love to travel to Australia and swim in Melbourne with Alby’s club team.
26:3 people you would invite to dinner- Thomas Jefferson, Amelia Earhart and John Lennon
27:Cold water tips- double time kick helps get you warm in the water. Putting on shoes and running after a swim warms you up quickly.
28:Toughest competitor- Rocky
29:Diet and how much is weight a factor on long distance swims- When training for the long swims you need to eat on a constant basis throughout the day---lots of ice cream treats.
30:Pet hate- Procrastination
31:Biggest thrill- Watching my kids race swimming
32:Favorite sport besides swimming- Snow skiing and as a spectator watching gymnastics on TV.
33:Who would you like to sit next to on a plane- Ellen Degeneres, comedian
34:Car you drive- Nissan Altima
35:Next swimming challenge- Local 3K with Wyatt, he will turn 13 yrs old just a week before the swim and a couple weeks later we have a 2.4 mile local swim.
36:Occupation- State bureaucrat employee for the Department of Higher Education.
37:D.O.B. November 1, 1960
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