Swimmer's Profile No.12 Penny Palfrey

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I am still amazed by swimmers such a Penny who can fit time into training (65/70k a week)

and run a business and raise a family (Pennys a grandmother) and compete against the

best in distance swimmers and win .Read on and see just how good she is.

1: Name- Penny Palfrey

2: Age- 46 y/o

3: Resides- Townsville North Queensland

4: Swimming Highlights-

English junior swim team 1974 – 1976

Australian open water swim team 2003

Cook Strait 2006

English Channel 2006 & 2007

Gibraltar Strait 2006

Manhattan Island Marathon Swim 2007 & 2008

5: Biggest influence and coach – Mick Higgs junior coach in England, now in South Africa

6: Swimming Idol- Swim Idol – All those who play fair, have a go and join in the open water spirit of helping other swimmers.

7: Pool or Ocean- Love the ocean.

8:How many kms a week-65-70k

9:Longest swim and how many hours in the water- English Channel 9hrs 16min & 9hrs 07 min

10: Favorite place you have swam- Ponza Island, Half Moon Bay, Italy

11: Coldest place you have swam and temp- San Francisco 13 C

12: Roughest swim eg. Wave height and wind speed- Cook Strait

13: Swimming goals- I keep finding new ones.

14: What or who motivates you- Having goals, travel, friendships.

15: How much is Physical% Mental%100% physical & 100% mental

16: Favorite saying- Don’t wait for your ship to come in……swim out to it!

17: Biggest fear swimming eg..cold jellyfish,sharks etc.. Crocodiles!

18: Swimming close calls- Crazy boat drivers near start of Rottnest Channel swim.

19: Tips for other swimmers – Soooooooo many

20: What would you eat and drink

during a swim- Carbo drinks

21Worst place you have swam- Don’t know, all challenging, love it all.

22: Worst injuries- Emotional, but that just makes you tougher-right?

23: Favorite food,drink,music ,movie and holiday destination- Fav food – Seafood, Gelato, Chocolate (but only the good stuff)

Fav drink – Latte, others better not mentioned coz I’m an athlete!

Music, don’t mind. Led Zep Stairway to heaven. Queen. Tony Charles all the rivers run. Little old lady from Pasadena – (go Penny, go Penny go, go, go!)

Holiday destination…..don’t know – tempt me, there are so many wonderful places!

24: What do you think of when you are in the water for hours- I usually focus on what I am doing, getting into “the zone” is good but I am always aware of what is going on around me.

25: Where is one place you haven’t or would like to swim- Plenty of places and swims still to enjoy around the world…….can’t wait.

26: 3 people you would invite to dinner- Anyone not too house proud, (too busy for house work!)

27: Cold water tips- Build up slowly.

28: Toughest competitor- Mother Nature.

29: Diet and how much is weight a factor on long distance swims- I adjust my weight according to the distance of the swim and the expected water temperature.

30: Pet hate- Unsportsmanlike behaviour, physical contact, drafting etc. I am against this as much as Alby is against wet suits.

31: Biggest thrill- Swimming the English Channel after dreaming about it for 30 years. Winning the Manhattan Island Marathon swim. Representing Australia in open water swimming. Having my three children, becoming a grandmother! Not necessarily in that order.

32: Favorite sport besides swimming- Anything to do with the water.

33: Who would you like to sit next to on a plane- Someone rich and generous who would like to sponsor me.

34: Car you drive- A little Corolla.

35: Next swimming challenge- Santa Barbara Channel

36:Occupation- Office manager in our family business but I think Chris my husband is going to sack me soon coz I spend my time booking swims and filling out questionnaires!

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