Swimmers Profile No 14 Vince Herring

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On my recent trip to Dover we were lucky enough to meet Vince who was staying
in the same B&B . At 65 years of age Vince could beat most people half his age and
has some pretty impressive swims and times under his belt but unfortunatly he fell
just short in his attempt across the Channel .I would be happy to have dinner with
you Vince but it would have to be in Melbourne.

1: Name-Vince Herring
2: Age-65
3: Resides-Rochester MN USA
4:Swimming Highlights- Swim around Manhattan-Straits of Gibraltar-Key West-Boston Light-Escape from Alcatraz (one armed)-Maui Channel-Mille Lacs (21 miles) English Channel (double crossing relay) -Tampa Bay-Mississippi River and numerous 5k to 25k open water swims.
5:Biggest influenceh and – Coach John Sfire. Influenced by my wife.
6:Swimming Idol- Grant Hacket, Keiren Perkins, Mark Warkentin, Alison Streeter, Marcy MacDonald, Tina Neill, Lynn Cox.
7: Pool or Ocean- I live 1500 miles from the ocean, so don't get much opportunity to train in the ocean.
8:.How many kms a week- When preparing for a long swim I do 50 to 95 K C2 week
9:Longest swim and how many hours in the water- Lake Mille Lacs 14 1/2 hours. Tampa Bay 12 1/2 hours. Manhatten 28.5 miles English Channel 12+ hours in abandoned swim. 40 Lakes in 18 hours.
10:Favorite place you have swam-Adriatic Sea in Croatia.
11:Coldest place you have swam and temp-Polar Bear Plunge-water 32 F air 12 F Alcatraz 56 F Lake Superior 4 hours mid 50's
12:Roughest swim eg. Wave height and wind speed- Lake Mille Lacs 35 mph wind 5-6 foot chop.
13:Swimming goals- To keep swimming until I'm 105.
14:What or who motivates you-Positive people motivate me. I'm also motivated by those who over come handicaps and difficult challenges.
15:How much is Physical% 25 Mental% 75
16:Favorite saying- Last one alive wins.
17:Biggest fear swimming eg..cold jellyfish,sharks etc.. More people die in the bathtub that get attacked by Sharks. My biggest fear is getting sea sick.
18:Swimming close calls- Almost swam into the prop of a competitiors support boat.
19:Tips for other swimmers – Surround yourself with positive people and go for it.
20:What would you eat and drink during a swim- I drink a mixture of cytomax and polycose. Instead of food I drink chocolate milk.
21Worst place you have swam-Cow key Channel in Key West. 1 foot of water where the house boats dump sewage.
22:Worst injuries- Swam with one arm for almost 2 years because of a bad shoulder. Cut my finger tip off just before a big swim, swam against Dr. orders.
23:Favorite food,drink,music ,movie and holiday destination- I love pasta, mocha's,oldies,Indiana Jones, and New Zealand
24:What do you think of when you are in the water for hours- Food and people who have faced life threatening illnesses.
25:Where is one place you haven’t or would like to swim-Italy to Sicily.or Arctic Ocean
26:3 people you would invite to dinner-Ronald Reagan, Winston Churchill, Oscar Wilde. If Alby would come I'd kick one of the other guys out.(at least i'am still alive)
27:Cold water tips-acclimatize. Train without a bathing cap.
28:Toughest competitor-Time
29:Diet and how much is weight a factor on long distance swims- You need enough weight to fight the cold
30:Pet hate- Negative people
31:Biggest thrill-My wife.
32:Favorite sport besides swimming- Track.
33:Who would you like to sit next to on a plane-Jay Leno, Bill Cosby, Lou Holtz, Zig Ziglar
34:Car you drive- Cadilac SRX
35:Next swimming challenge- 50 free!
36:Occupation- Retired Formerly owned Art Gallery
37:D.O.B. Feb 14,1943

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