Swimmers Profile No 21 Dan Kennedy

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Another Kiwi Black Ice member that will follow in Yvonne's footsteps by swimming the Channel to add to his Cook Strait and Rotto Swims.Dan is another swimmer that never complains and even though he is not fast you know that he will get the job done.When you return home from your attempt of the Channel the 1st thing they ask is did you make it and we know Dans answer will be yes.

1: Name - Dan kennedy
2: Age- 47

3: Resides- Melbourne

4: Swimming Highlights- Lake Brunner(NZ), Rottnest channel, Cook Strait.

5: Biggest influence and coach –Meeting Paul Maguire and through him the Black Ice swim group has been my biggest influence, especially Yvonne, when I asked her If I was dreaming attempting Cook Strait she said “ Nah, you could do that! ”

6: Swimming Idol- Meda McKenzie, Philip Rush, Alison Streeter, Des Renford, John Koorey.

7: Pool or Ocean- both

8: How many kms a week- 10 - 20

9: Longest swim and how many hours in the water- Cook Strait, 11hrs

10: Favourite place you have swam- Brighton Baths with clear calm water and sun shining.

11: Coldest place you have swum and temp- Brighton Baths, 8 or 9 deg

12:Roughest swim eg. Wave height and wind speed- Short course at Brighton with Andrew Duigan, wind 30 knots plus, lots of spray hard to breathe, Andrew powered on unaffected, I was pleased when we finished.

13:Swimming goals- To consistently swim above 20k a week in training

14:What or who motivates you- All the Black Ice group, Yvonne completing the channel in tough conditions, Jonno and Terry completing the rotto ‘06 in bad weather, Andrews 2x Rotto and preparation for cook strait, Albys experience and support for everyone, Kevin and Paul in their preparation for this years channel swim 100x100!!!

15:How much is Physical% 50 Mental% 50

16:Favourite saying - The great New Zealand shearer Godfrey Bowen used to say “ a winner never quits and a quitter never wins ”

17:Biggest fear swimming eg..cold jellyfish,sharks etc . Weather change and a respect for cold water.

18:Swimming close calls- none

19:Tips for other swimmers – join a group like Black Ice.

20:What would you eat and drink during a swim- Have always used a NZ product called ‘Leppin’ which seems to work well. Now trying out maxim.

21Worst place you have swam- Some of those old 25m overheated indoor pools aren’t too flash.

22:Worst injuries- shoulder problems

23:Favorite food,drink,music ,movie and holiday destination- I married a great cook!; A pint in an English pub; Paul Kelly, Cold Play; “Blazing Saddles”; Queensland.

24:What do you think of when you are in the water for hours- Technique or lack of it! Mainly I use Terry O’Briens four quarters system and don’t look beyond the next quarter.

25:Where is one place you haven’t or would like to swim- The Red Sea

26:3 people you would invite to dinner- Shackleton, Chichester and Hillary.

27:Cold water tips-Think of coffee and breakfast after

28:Toughest competitor- Penny Palfrey

29:Diet and how much is weight a factor on long distance swims- All the channel swimmers say acclimatise and put weight on!

30:Pet hate- Painting windows!

31:Biggest thrill- When Yvonne and Terry succeeded with their Channel swims was a thrill, completing Cook Strait was more of a relief, to know that the opportunity, money and support weren’t wasted.

32:Favorite sport besides swimming- Sailing

33:Who would you like to sit next to on a plane- someone who dosen’t want their meal!

34:Car you drive- Ford focus

35:Next swimming challenge- At this stage my next challenge will be an 8 hour swim in 14-15 degrees.

36:Occupation -Plumber

37:D.O.B. 29.9.61

38:Favorite Pet. Cat

39:Reasons for attempting the Channel: Seemed like a good idea at the time!

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