Swimmer Profile No 3 Yvonne Mooyman

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Todays guest is the 1st female to swim the English Channel,the Cook Strait and
Rottnest Island and we are proud to have her as a black ice member

1: Name: Yvonne Mooyman
2: Age: 46
3: Resides: Parkdale, Melbourne, Australia
4:Swimming Highlights: Cook Strait of New Zealand March 2001, Rottnest Swim Feb 2002, English Channel July 2005
5:Biggest influence and coach: My biggest influences were all my swimming friends, we all trained together, helped each other, supported each other, thanks especially to Alby who was on my swims across the Cook Strait and the English Channel wouldn't have made it without his support. Also thanks to Paul Mag, Peter, Jonathon, Andrew D, Terry McM, and Terry O'B, Dan, Kevin, Alex, Summer, Steve P, Harry, Warwick ,have I missed anyone? Also Tammy Van Wisse an inspiration to women marathon swimmers here in Australia
6:Swimming Idol: Philip Rush, a neighbour from my home Town - Dunedin in New Zealand as well as the most amazing marathon swimmer there is, also should mention Alison Streeter, also amazing and I was humbled to have her with me all the way on my swim across the English Channel (just a single - unlike their amazing triple crossings!!)
7: Pool or Ocean: Silly question!! Ocean any day
8:How many kms a week: At the moment only about 15 km, but when in training about 25km plus.
9:Longest swim and how many hours in the water: My longest swim was the English Channel 18 hours and 27minutes.
10:Favorite place you have swum: I liked Rottness, warm water and I felt good throughout the swim.
11:Coldest place you have swum and temp: Definitely Port Philip Bay, got down to 5 degrees one day in August.
12:Roughest swim eg. Wave height and wind speed: Roughest swim was probably the English Channel, it was not a good day for a swim, do you remember wave height and winnd speed Alby? Not sure, but it was the only time I have ever been sea sick!
13:Swimming goals: I would like to swim Lake Taupo in New Zealand and Tampa Bay in Florida
14:What or who motivates you: I'm motivated by everyone I swim with and their goals.
15:How much is Physical :10% Mental: 90%
16:Favorite saying: Pain is Temporary, Glory is Forever
17:Biggest fear swimming eg..cold jellyfish,sharks etc.. Definitely those jellyfish they really hurt.
18:Swimming close calls: Aparantly there was a shark close by in the Cook Strait, I was lucky to be oblivious to the fact!
19:Tips for other swimmers: Make sure you are mentally prepared for a long swim - this may be more important after many hours in cold water than being physically prepared. Train in difficult conditions and feel the misery before you think about giving up.
20:What would you eat and drink during a swim: Well I suppose I can't go past maxim, but a nice broth-like soup is good to keep warm, also plenty of water.
21Worst place you have swam: Williamstown swim last year. It was the first time I would have gladly been pulled out half way through as the jellyfish were "wall to wall' and I was stung badly!!
22:Worst injuries: Rotator Cuff strain, could not swim for 3 months. That was about 1 year before the Channel swim.
23:Favorite food,drink,music ,movie and holiday destination: Favourite food is Japanese, drink, don't know - a nice glass of Sav Blanc maybe, movie hmmmm "Love Actually". Holiday destination, nothing like home - New Zealand!
24:What do you think of when you are in the water for hours: "Get me out of here"
25:Where is one place you haven’t or would like to swim: Lake Taupo NZ, actually I'd also love to swim in the Behring Strait!!
26:3 people you would invite to dinner: Old friends I haven't seen for a long time
27:Cold water tips: Keep fattened up, tell yourself "It's not cold" as the Saturday morning swimmers would always say "It's warm as toast" (yeah right!!!!)
28:Toughest competitor: Alby! Followed by Kevin and Andrew D
29:Diet and how much is weight a factor on long distance swims: I think the reason I made the Channel on a day when all others failed, was because I was 10 kilos fatter and that kept me from getting hypothermia. But always eat good food to fatten up. (see me for your Channel diet)
30:Pet hate-Procrastinators: people who 'say' but never 'do'
31:Biggest thrill: Finishing Cook Strait and English Channel swims
32:Favorite sport besides swimming: watching my son Thomas playing Football!!
33:Who would you like to sit next to on a plane: Johnny Depp
34:Car you drive: a bomb
35:Next swimming challenge: When I swim in the Bay again - only 10 degrees!
36:Occupation: swimming instructor and now also a qualified Personal Trainer- a mobile service, training people in their homes, also at the gym!


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