Swimmers profile No 4 Marcy Mcdonald

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Our next guest is Americas no 1 Channel swimmer and a legend in distance swimming

Marcy on the beach at Dover contemplating her next swim.

: Name- Marcella A. MacDonald, D.P.M. (a.k.a. Marcy)

2: Age- 44

3: Resides- Andover, Connecticut, USA

4:Swimming Highlights-

9 crossings of the English Channel, including 2 doubles (2001 and 2004)
Gertrude Ederle swim: Lower Manhattan to Sandy Hook New Jersey, 17.5 miles
Manhattan Island Marathon Swim: 4 times, 1993, 1994, 1997, 1999
Swim Across the Sound, 17 mile swim, from Port Jefferson , Long Island, NY to Bridgeport, CT. Fund raiser for St. Vincnt's Medical Center Foundation, a group helping individuals with cancer and screening and support programs.
Inducted into the International Marathon Swimming Hall of Fame, 2005

5:Biggest influence and coach – Youth swim coach, mel Siebold, who brought me to my 1st open water swim at the age of 12

6:Swimming Idol- I suppose Gert Ederle, broke the gender barrier in channel swimming

7: Pool or Ocean- does this mean, which one I prefer? I train in both, but the majority of my training is in the pool during the work week. As soon as it is warm enough to swim for over an hour, I head outside on the weekends.

8:How many kms a week- I try to average, 10K per day and when I training moderate to hard, 40-50K per week.

9:Longest swim and how many hours in the water- 2004, double English Channel crossing 23 hours), stayed in the water for another hour (24 hour), aborted triple crossing.

10:Favorite place you have swam- I guess it the E. Channel, most challenging and place to meet new friends who have my same interest.

11:Coldest place you have swam and temp- First Channel crossing 1994, 54 degrees F.

12:Roughest swim eg. Wave height and wind speed- 2004 and 2007 swims, Force 4-5. Wind speed was only suposed to be 7 knots, ended around 17.

13:Swimming goals- For 2008, swim around the island Jersey.

14:What or who motivates you- I guess the notion that "life really is too short" keeps driving forward in the water. I know someday it will be physically impossible for swim for these lengths of time and tolerate these temperatures, so as long as I can and I enjoy the experience, I'm going to keep playing in the cold the water.

15:How much is Physical %: 50% Mental %: 50%

16:Favorite saying- Dream, Prepare, Succeed

17:Biggest fear swimming eg..cold jellyfish,sharks etc..- that tiny jellyfish, most poisonous in the world, down in Australian waters (I think)

18:Swimming close calls- aduring a 10K swim in Maryland, the tides were not planned out correctly and 800 of 880 swimmers had to be pulled from the water, we were being swept out toward the sea. I was one of the picked up swimmers, not too worried of my safety, just upset it was impossible to finish the race.

19:Tips for other swimmers – prepare to stay alive in the channel, chances are you will make it the best preparation you can manage. Work on the best swimming technique, this will decrease the chances (of many) for injury.

20:What would you eat and drink during a swim- I've tried many types of feeding, I stay simple now, all liquid. Under 10K: no drink most of time unless it's really hot conditions. Long swims over 10K Maxim and light flavor. Cold swims over 4 hours, warm liquids (powdered soup) with Maxim. If I'm having stomach upset, only Maxim, warm water and honey.

21Worst place you have swam- English Channel, 1999, in an oil slick, large freighter accident with a cruise ship, 20 miles north of the swimming zone. Sick as a dog.

22:Worst injuries- Where do I start: now working through chronis upper and lower back injuries. Trying to stay focused and listen to my body, always thinking about proper technique to decrease the pain.

23:Favorite food,drink,music ,movie and holiday destination-
Food: ice cream
Drink: Dark and Stormy
Music: "This used to be my playground" sung by Madonna
Holiday Destination: Los Cabos, Mexico

24:What do you think of when you are in the water for hours- I actually count the cycles of my strokes, with occasional blasts of people, places and things flashing through my mind. I find when that happens I swim slower.

25:Where is one place you haven’t or would like to swim- Cook's Strait

26: 3 people you would invite to dinner- Alby & Peter Bardoel, and Terry McMaster

27:Cold water tips- Get used to it, keep some weight on, drink warm fluids, swim fast.

28:Toughest competitor- Marcia Cleveland

29:Diet and how much is weight a factor on long distance swims- a pretty regular diet, I try to stay away from fast food and lots of carbs. I know I have a low metabolism, so I watch the calorie count in the off season. If I'm swimming alot, I can indulge more. In 2003, I was my lightest, but I was very cold in my channel crossing. Mike Oram suggested I gain 15-20 for my next crossing (double), I needed a new wardrobe but was much more comfortable in the water.

30:Pet hate- none: I have 1 dog (chocolate lab) and 4 cats now (all go outdoors)

31:Biggest thrill- the anticipation when meeting up with my swimming friends

32:Favorite sport besides swimming- golf

33:Who would you like to sit next to on a plane- Dramamine motion sickness tablets

34:Car you drive- Toyota Prius (Barcelone Red)

35:Next swimming challenge- Circle around Jersey

36:Occupation- Podiatrist


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