If you were to model or use a swimmers technique for a coaching manual then you would
1: Name- Jonathan
2: Age- old….
3: Resides-
4:Swimming Highlights- Competing in open water swimming over the past 10 years and the friends I’ve made.
5:Biggest influence and coach – My best friends theMoloney’s and Butch.
6:Swimming Idol- Perkins and Kowalski. Perkins was at the forefront of world swimming in the early nineties because he hadKowalski snapping at his heels.
(Perkins is the only swimmer to swim under 15 mins for the 1500m in 3 Olympics)
7: Pool or Ocean- Both – I enjoy combining pool and ocean swimming. I like the variety…
8:How many kms a week- About 12 at the moment. Although when I’m training for something, about 30.
9:Longest swim and how many hours in the
10:Favorite place you have swam- Anywhere in WA or QLD. Clean warm water.
11:Coldest place you have swam and
12:Roughest swim eg. Wave height and wind speed- Every year we venture out from Brighton Baths on some filthy days. It’s always fun – I like working on my body surfing.
13:Swimming goals- Enjoy my training and keep fit.
14:What or who motivates you – The people I train with. Everyone is pretty positive.
15:How much is Physical% 70 Mental% 30
16:Favorite saying- Pain is temporary, glory is forever – P. Bardoel 2001.
17:Biggest fear swimming eg..cold jellyfish,sharks etc.. I admit I hate jelly fish….
18:Swimming close calls- Anytime I jumped in the cold water in 2000 and 2001. I was so skinny that every time I dipped a toe in the water it was a near death experience.
19:Tips for other swimmers – No 1 is to enjoy your training. If you’re not having a good time, then you should try something else.
20:What would you eat and drink during a swim- Flat coke and bananas. A little bit of maxim. Nurofen for the shoulders. Different food agrees with different people.
21Worst place you have swam- Easy – Hazlewood Pondage. It’s the end of the earth down there. I am never going to make that long drive again.
22:Worst injuries- A bit of tendonitis in the shoulder. An ice pack and Voltaren is the best thing when the tendonitis flares.
23:Favorite food,drink,music ,movie and holiday destination-
Food – Any kind of seafood. From fish fingers to fish and chips, prawns, oysters, calamari etc…..
Drink – Milk
Music – Ben Folds Five
Movie – Trainspotting
Holiday destination –
24:What do you think of when you are in the water for hours- That’s the good thing about long distance swimming, you can think about everything or you can think about nothing – you can zone in and out. Swimming can be very mediative.
25:Where is one place you haven’t or would like to swim- The Whitsundays - Coral bay is great too !
26:3 people you would invite to dinner- Zarah Garde-Wilson and Alby Bardoel. Alby could break the ice with some of his stories.( Jono we did ask for 3 people)
27:Cold water tips- Get fat and enjoy training.
28:Toughest competitor- Any one of the
29:Diet and how much is weight a factor on long distance swims- If the water is cold, then put on weight. Don’t listen to anyone who tells you differently. I am living proof of what more weight can do. I love the cold water now.
30:Pet hate- Getting in the water last. I’m superstitious, I always like to be first in the water during winter. If you get stuck behind Terry OB, he yells when he hits the water. This psyches me out…!
31:Biggest thrill- Putting on 20 kg in 6 months. There should have been some kind of recognition of that achievement. My proudest moment was watching the scales click over to 93kg !
32:Favorite sport besides swimming- Surfing
33:Who would you like to sit next to on a plane- I like sitting next to old people who can’t speak any English. Nothing worse than sitting next to someone who is half decent – the pressure just kills you. Who wants to socialise on a long distance flight anyway ??
34:Car you drive-
35:Next swimming challenge- Brighton Baths this Saturday morning……always challenging !!
36:Occupation - Web developer.
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