1: Name- Don Crellin
2: Age- 42
3: Resides- Mosman Park, Perth WA
4: Swimming Highlights- finishing the solo Rotto crossing on my first attempt. Had never competed in the Rotto swim before - this will always remain up there as a highlight
5: Biggest influence and coach – I havent swum under a coach for many years. My biggest influence in terms of achieving my swimming goals come from my Wife & Family, who support me with the many hours of training & especailly.......on the day of the event.
6: Swimming Idol- I was lucky enough to spend a few years growing up in the small South West town of Margaret River. My very first swim coach was Shane Gould who lived on a property close to Margaret River. I would have to say that Shane Gould remains a long time idol of mine.
7: Pool or Ocean- I find it important to have a mix between both pool & ocean however, as the actual event starts to get closer - stepping up the Ocean trainiing is vital. It not only prepares you for the water conditions but also mentally in terms of any fears that may exist (real or not)
8: How many kms a week- at the peak of my training, I was swimming between 30 & 40km per week.
9: Longest swim and how many hours in the water- the longest swim would have to be my first Rotto crossing. My official time in the water was 8hrs & 37min. It wasnt a great day in the water & I had hoped for a much faster time. Having said that - I was just glad that I had finished on my first attempt
10: Favorite place you have swam- living in Perth we are lucky to have a number of great swimming locations on our doorstep. Rottnest is always a favourite of mine & we spend majority of our summer weekends there.
11: Coldest place you have swum and temp- I spent a couple of years living & working in Wellington, New Zealand. The water temperatures were around the 14 degree mark........much coller than Perth waters!
12:Roughest swim eg. Wave height and wind speed- there was a lead up swim to the Rotto crossing that was swum in a strong sea breeze. Swell height was around the 2m mark with winds strengthening to 20 - 25 knts. A great lead up swim to the big event.....
13:Swimming goals- an ultimate goal of mine would be to take on & complete an English Channel swim
14:What or who motivates you- Self motivation is a key driver.
15:How much is Physical 70 % Mental 30 % By the time you reach race day - physical fitnest is a given if you have completed the training. On the day - its all about being mentally prepared for whats ahead.
16:Favorite saying- Life is no dress rehersal......get out & give it a go.......
17:Biggest fear swimming eg..cold jellyfish,sharks etc.. cold was the biggest fear that I had. It was one of those things that you cant see or really prepare for. On that basis - it was something that was largely outside of my control
18:Swimming close calls- no real close calls to speak of. Boat traffic in an event such as the Rotto swim is always something to watch out for.
19:Tips for other swimmers – always go into the event on the absolute assumption that you are going to make it. Never take doubts into an event. If you have completed the preparation - you know that you have the ability to complete it
20:What would you eat and drink during a swim- I load up on carbs heading into the event however - during the event - I restrict my eating. I have a tight schedule around fluid intake ensuring that I take on fluid approximately every 20 - 30 minutes
21Worst place you have swam-I swam a leg of an endurance event in the Blackwood river. Whilst only a relatively short distance the river was flowing ,the visability was zero, it was extremely cold and I had to contend with submerged trees and branches
22:Worst injuries- shoulder injuries continue to plauge me.
23:Favorite food,drink,music ,movie and holiday destination- a great steak & a cold beer..... I dont mind listening to
24:What do you think of when you are in the water for hours- During the swim - I focussed on how I would finish the race. I visualised how I would swim the final KM, how I would exit the water, what I would say to my support crew & family. Doing this continually meant that I never once thought about not finishing....
25:Where is one place you haven’t or would like to swim- would love to swim the English Channel
26:3 people you would invite to dinner- Gordon Ramsay (he can cook / great entertainment) / Alan Bond (some interesting stories to tell) / Lance Armstrong (an inspirational sportsman)
27:Cold water tips- its a mind game.....
28:Toughest competitor- myself. Especially in the longer events - its more about your own expectations than anything else.
29:Diet and how much is weight a factor on long distance swims- leading up to the Rotto event - diet played a signifiacnt part. Over the 8 / 9mth program that I had in place - I droppped a significant amount of weight.
30:Pet hate- Negative people.....People focusing & worrying about issues that they have no control over. Focus on what you can control & get on with it.........
31:Biggest thrill- In a swimming sense - walking up the beach at the Quokka Arms hotel after having swum from Cottesloe Beach has to go down as one of the best
32:Favorite sport besides swimming- Free Diving / Scuba Diving
33:Who would you like to sit next to on a plane-My wife Rebecca, this would mean that I am flying for leisure and not business ( how sweet Don You can give me the real answer in private)
34:Car you drive- Holden Calais
35:Next swimming challenge- would love to complete another Rotto solo now that I know what its all about. I would be better prepared, more relaxed &
36:Occupation- Drector / General Manager of a Finance Company
37:D.O.B. 28 February 1966
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1 comment:
Hi Don, just googled your name and up popped this swimmer site. I was up in Shark Bay recently and saw a DON blue number plate that reminded me of you. We turn 50 soon so thought it a good time to catch up.
Craig Kinder
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