Swimmers' Profile No 18 Steve Munatones

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I was playing around with my computer the other day and stumbled across this really good swimming website (www.10Kswimmer.com)and decided to contact them.

I also spoke to Penny Palfrey who has been nominated on this site for
international marathon swimmer of the year (which she should win).

Steve Munatones has replied and checked out our site and has decided to put Black Ice
on his links. After reading about Steve's swimming career, I decide to invite
him onto our site, so here's Steve's story.

1: Name-Steven Munatones

2: Age-46

3: Resides-Huntington Beach, California, U.S.A.

4: Swimming Highlights-1982 World Long Distance Swimming Championships (25K in Lake Windermere, England), Tsugaru Channel double crossing (Japan), 5 Lake of Mt. Fuji (Japan), Swim Around Yonaguni Island (Okinawa, Japan), 24 miles around Cabo San Lucas (Mexico)

5: Biggest influence and coach – my younger sister, Stephani, who always trained very hard and always practiced in my same lane. She pushed me like no other.

6: Swimming Idol-Penny Dean, former English Channel record holder

7: Pool or Ocean-Ocean

8: How many kms a week-15K

9: Longest swim and how many hours in the water-48K, a double crossing of the Tsugaru Channel in Japan (from the main island of Honshu to Hokkaido and back) in 12 hours and 53 minutes

10: Favorite place you have swam-Okinawa, Japan

11: Coldest place you have swum and temp-San Francisco Bay (53°F or 11.6°C)

12:Roughest swim eg. Wave height and wind speed-Off the coast of California during a storm when waves where breaking over the Huntington Beach pier (estimated wave height 6 meters with very strong winds).

13:Swimming goals-I have achieved all my goals with the exception of swimming 16K between Russia and Japan (see attached).

14:What or who motivates you-my wife and 4 children ages 5-12. I live and work for them.

15:How much is Physical%80 Mental%20 – I have done so many tough swims that the mental part is no longer difficult. Also training 10 x 1500 meters in my early teen years was very helpful training.

16:Favorite saying-No pain, no gain. No guts, no glory. No risk, no reward.

17:Biggest fear swimming eg..cold jellyfish,sharks etc. JetSkiers and windsurfers

18:Swimming close calls- Windsurfers just missing me on Oahu and off the coast of California and not being able to find my escort boat for about 30 seconds at night while crossing the Tsugaru Channel in 1990

19:Tips for other swimmers – Enjoy what you do and do not quit a swim or race, you will regret it later.

20:What would you eat and drink during a swim-warmed Gatorade if water is cold, chilled Gatorade if water is warm. Small bite-sized Snickers candy bar after swimming for 6 hours every 30 minutes.

21Worst place you have swam-a river in southern China

22:Worst injuries-none, fortunately

23:Favorite food,drink,music ,movie and holiday destination-Hawaii for holiday

24:What do you think of when you are in the water for hours-strangely enough, work the next day

25:Where is one place you haven’t or would like to swim-anywhere in South America

26:3 people you would invite to dinner-President Obama, Pope Benedict XVI, Bill Gates

27:Cold water tips-acclimate is the only way, drink warm stuff afterwards

28:Toughest competitor-Paul Asmuth, who I never defeated and who was the 7-time world professional marathon swimming champion in the 1980’s

29:Diet and how much is weight a factor on long distance swims-I do not think about it and do not vary my weight for any swim

30:Pet hate-hypocrisy

31:Biggest thrill-seeing marine life during a swim (dolphin, shark, whale or sea lion) or watching my son play water polo

32:Favorite sport besides swimming-water polo

33:Who would you like to sit next to on a plane- President Obama, Pope Benedict XVI, Bill Gates

34:Car you drive-Toyota Prius

35:Next swimming challenge-trying to swim the 200-yard butterfly in 2 minutes

36:Occupation-owner of Pan Pacific Partners, Inc. (www.pan-pacific-partners.com)

37:D.O.B.- July 28, 1962

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